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Pyrite Cave Druzy Egg

Regular price $21.00 USD
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What is Pyrite? Pyrite is a brass-yellow mineral with a bright metallic luster. It has a chemical composition of iron sulfide (FeS2) and is the most common sulfide mineral. It forms at high and low temperatures and occurs, usually in small quantities, in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks worldwide.

Pyrite is the most widespread and abundant sulfide in the world and van be found in tens of thousands of localities with large and/or fine crystal being produced from Italy on Elba and at Piedmont, in Spain, Kazakhstan, in the United States from Colorado, Illinois, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Montana, Washington, ...

Pyrite can be found in soils and sediments throughout the Earth as myriads of microscopic crystals. This pyrite is formed by bacteria that remove oxygen from sulfate in the water, producing sulfide that reacts with iron to form pyrite. More than 90 percent of the pyrite on Earth is formed by microbiological processes. 

Pyrite, also known as "Fool's Gold" because of its brassy-yellow metallic colour, is the most common sulphide mineral in rocks of all ages, being found in virtually every geological environment.



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