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Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby
Orender Gardens

Purple Queen Bromeliad Live plant baby

Regular price $22.00 $0.00 Unit price per
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Live Plant will be shipped not in Bloom, but should bloom once per year once planted.

Neoregelia Muldfordii Bronze

Plant roots immediately upon arrival.

 1 not in Bloom Bromeliad $18 + shipping

Some Questions & Answers!

How do you care for a bromeliad? 

In nature, many bromeliads are epiphytes, which means that they attach their roots to tree bark and rock surfaces. They have a rosette center with a cup where they collect nutrients and water. Surrounded by thick green or silver leaves, a once-in-a-lifetime bloom is called an inflorescence. The spiky flowers usually come in bright colors such as red, orange, and pink.

When it comes to houseplants, bromeliads are generally low maintenance. Native to tropical environments in North and South America, they appreciate moisture and humidity. That said, they’re drought-tolerant plants that can handle occasional neglect. As bromeliads prefer to dry out in home environments, you only need to water your plant every other week or so. You’ll want to water both the soil and cup, making sure to keep the latter only halfway full to prevent rot. 

Place your bromeliad in partial shade or indirect sunlight for four to six hours a day — extra brightness can help your plant bloom! Put these hardy plants in well-draining soil, such as potting mix with orchid bark and perlite. Bromeliads don’t require heavy feeding, but they do appreciate slow-release fertilizer or diluted fertilizer during the growing season. Make sure not to overfertilize, as this can cause your plant to become leggy and faded. Many gardeners also use Epsom salts to encourage growth in their plants. For increased nutrient absorption, mix a tablespoon of salt per gallon of water. The salt can allow your bromeliad to take in more nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur to grow strong and healthy.

Bromeliad offshoots should usually be ready in about six months. You can cut off pups after they’re about one-third or one-half the size of the mother plant. At this point, some offshoots even develop small roots. Use a sharp, clean knife to cut the pups from the base and allow them callus for a few days before you place them into a potting mix. After your bromeliad babies settle, root systems will establish after a few weeks. You also have the option of leaving the pup on until the mother plant withers away. Once the original plant completely dries out, you can remove it. This method allows the pup to absorb as much energy and nutrients as possible from its mother plant. 

However you decide to clean up your mature bromeliad, it can take well over a year for a bromeliad baby to reach its full size and begin the blooming cycle all over again. In the meantime, enjoy your bromeliad’s beauty as it grows!