Sphalerite Spheres
Sphalerite Spheres
Sphalerite Spheres
Sphalerite Spheres
Sphalerite Spheres
Orender Gardens

Sphalerite Spheres

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Sphalerite is a zinc sulfide mineral with a chemical composition of (Zn,Fe)S. It is found in metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks in many parts of the world. Sphalerite is the most commonly encountered zinc mineral and the world's most important ore of zinc.

Uses: The primary ore of zinc. Often mined for minor amounts of indium, cadmium, g..

Chemical Composition: Zinc sulfide with variable amounts of iron, (Zn,Fe)

Chemical Classification: Sulfid

Diagnostic Properties: Luster, cleavage, streak


There sphalerite is found associated with chalcopyrite, galena, marcasite, and dolomite in solution cavities and brecciated (fractured) zones in limestone and chert.i Smilar deposits occur in Poland, Belgium, and North Africa.

For industrial purposes, sphalerite is used in galvanized iron, brass and batteries. The mineral is also used as a mildew-resistant element in certain paints.Sphalerite is a zinc sulphide mineral that is quite rare in gem quality. Top grade specimens are prized for their exceptional fire or dispersion, which is higher than that of diamond!

Gem quality transparent sphalerite is rare. Sphalerite is typically yellow, orange or red. A black, iron rich variety of sphalerite is called marmatite.

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