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Crystal Sphere come in all sizes here! Merkabite calcite spheres shows a plethora of rainbows shimmers, laddered stacked patterned inclusions, and a Rainbowed moonbeam!!

Black obsidian is a glass-like rock that forms from volcanic lava cooling quickly. Larvikite is a feldspar-rich igneous rock, called a monzonite and is named for the town in Norway where it was found. One characteristic of this stone is its blue sheen or labradorescence, caused by the presence of interlocking feldspar crystals within the structure of the stone.Mookaite Jasper varies in color from deep red to bright yellow with areas of white, tan, brown, mauve/pink and purple.Sodalite is a rich royal blue tectosilicate mineral widely used as an ornamental gemstone. ... Howlite in crystal form is rare. Howlite has a white marble-like appearance with threaded gray, black or brown veins running through it.Apatite is identified by the chemical formula Ca5(PO4). It forms in hexagonal crystals and is a rock phosphate minerl and can occur in a variety of colors, including yellow, green, blue, and purple. It is an important mineral in the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, and it can also be found in biological tissues such as bones and teeth.Carnelian Jasper Combination of redagate, yellow citrine, and what apperat to be vein like appearances, create the Carnelian Stone!  Moss agate is a variety of chalcedony, belonging to the quartz family, and is often found as fragments from weathered volcanic rock formed in fissures or as pebbles rather than in traditional agate layering.

Agate is a rock consisting primarily of cryptocrystalline silica, chiefly chalcedony, alternating with microgranular quartz. Agate is a translucent variety of microcrystalline quartz. It is used as a semiprecious stone when it is of desirable quality and color. Agate generally forms by the deposition of silica from groundwater in the cavities of igneous rocks.

Ocean Jasper is a combination of chalcedony, microcrystalline quartz and other minerals, resulting in colourful bands and patterns. ... It's variety of orbicular jasper is sometimes known as the “Atlantis Stone”. No such other mineral contains its diversity of tones and patterns like green, white, brown, orange and pink.

All our spheres come in lots of different minerals and sizes.